Everyone is talking about GDPR!


Everyone is talking about GDPR – and lawyers are no exception!

Go onto Linked In and there are several posts each day asking whether you are GDPR ready and the ICO is regularly blogging about GDPR and rightly reporting on fines for data breaches.

There are articles aplenty about GDPR, saying things like:

  • GDPR will apply in the UK from 25th May 2018.
  • There are increased fines for data breaches.
  • The Regulations impose liability for data breaches on data processors;
  • Data breaches must be reported within 72 hours.

I could go on … and on … and on … but you’ve probably read it all before and still don’t quite know where, when or how to start.

If that sounds like you – or someone you know – reading on may be just what you need.

At Legal Eye, we pride ourselves on working with our client firms on a practical level. We ensure that our firms have policies, procedures, plans, registers, logs and all manner of other compliance-related documents in place so that they comply with what seems like a never-ending list of regulatory and accreditation requirements, thus releasing precious management and fee earning time to enable our firms to do what they do best – providing a quality legal service to their clients.

Our GDPR toolkit, is no different and has been developed to enable us to assist you on a practical level.

It is divided into 4 bite-sized stages and we can assist with one or more stages to suit your budget:

Stage 1: An initial gap analysis and comprehensive written report to identify where your business is now in terms of data protection and the requirements of the GDPRs and highlight priority areas requiring action for GDPR compliance.

Stage 2: A firm-wide Data-mapping exercise to understand, for example, what data you hold and where, what you use it for, who has access to it, who it is shared with etc.

Stage 3: Implementation planning – once the gap analysis and data mapping stages are complete, we can work with you and your team to assist in implementing / updating your policies, procedures and plans as well as training staff on GDPR to ensure you are compliant.

Stage 4: Audit and review of your policies, procedures and plans to ensure you remain compliant.

Sound interesting? Don’t delay starting your GDPR journey. We are now just 8 months away from the Regulations coming into effect.

Call one of our Compliance Specialists on 0203 0512049 or email [email protected] to book your initial gap analysis.


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