Lexcel Accreditation

Supporting your quest for quality

We work with law firms of all sizes to develop or amend quality management procedures as well as other relevant documentation setting out the legal framework under which a firm operates, in seven areas: structure and strategy, financial management, information management, people management, risk management, client care, and file and case management.

Achieving accreditation involves the submission of an application form and subsequent assessment by an independent assessment body. Lexcel accreditation is awarded for three years, and annual re-accreditation and monitoring visits to ensure continued compliance.

We work with you and tailor a solution for your firm not only to attain the Lexcel Standard but more importantly we help you to integrate the risk framework as part of your wider compliance remit

Often working with the Lexcel Standard as a starting point we can cover a wide range of business issues which include but is not limited to the following:

  • Lexcel Gap Analysis to assess the firm’s current position and assist with a plan of action/report with rag status, for the firm to amend their policies, procedures, plans and documents and work towards attaining the Lexcel Standard
  • A Gap Analysis supporting the firm to transition from the previous Lexcel Standard for Legal Practices, namely V5 and V6 to the new Lexcel Standard for Legal Practices namely V6.1 and V5.1
  • Preparation/Assessment/Review and Maintenance of the Lexcel Standard
  • General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) including training
  • File reviews and analysis including file review corrective action
  • Understanding the requirements of COLP/COFA
  • Business Continuity Management
  • Business Planning and Strategy
  • Risk Management
  • Advice and guidance on Information Management Security and information relating to Cyber Essentials
  • Client Care Documentation including review of client care letters and terms of business
  • Publicity Requirements including email footers, website checks, ICO/FCA Registrations and Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • Review of the firm’s Office Manual and associated policies ensuring compliance with the current code of conduct
  • Review of central registers including Complaints, High Risk, Criminal Finances Act and Risk and Breaches Register
  • Review of various essential plans required for Lexcel including Business Continuity Plan, Compliance Plan, Learning and Development Plan, Strategic Business Plan, IT Plan

We can tailor a solution just for you

We can offer you a tailored and bespoke package depending on your individual requirements. Our services can range from our Lexcel Strategic Risk and Compliance Audit with a detailed report to working with you in respect of preparation towards a Lexcel assessment, documentation review and implementation, file reviews, attendance on the days of the assessment, post Lexcel audit review and support with subsequent annual maintenance visits. Our packages are tailored according to your firm’s current position, the level of support your firm needs, your budget and resource level.

The firms we work with benefit from the breadth of our highly experienced Legal Eye Specialist Consultants who have taken firms of all sizes, across the country, through the Lexcel Accreditation process. We also continue to proactively update our documentation to reflect Lexcel Assessor feedback and recommendations in relation to areas of best practice.

When we work with you, we do not simply come into your firm and provide you with a service designed simply to get you through the Lexcel accreditation process.  Instead, we view what you need to do as an integral part of your wider compliance remit and we will help you not only to achieve Lexcel accreditation but also to ensure that you can retain that accreditation by keeping your firm up-to-date with relevant developments and ensuring that all personnel are aware of what is required of them.

In an ever-changing regulatory legal landscape, attaining Lexcel is a good benchmark to help differentiate your firm not only from your competitors but more importantly to provide a consistent and quality risk framework which will ensure optimal client care and excellent quality of service.

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