How can your firm adapt its approach to risk management in a digital world?

As 2020 draws to a close many of us will be reflecting on a year which has seen us having to rise to the challenge of continuing to look after our clients and staff during Covid-19.

One of the biggest questions facing us now is what elements of the new ways of working we’ve had to adopt, and which parts of the new technology that we’ve encountered in recent months are here to stay in 2021?

Legal Eye has recorded a 20-minute webinar looking at how firms can adapt their risk management approach and access new tools to embrace an increasingly digital environment.

Access the recording here on demand

This short webinar outlines the advantages of taking a digital approach to risk management and reflects on how this could help firms to overcome some of the challenges in maintaining and growing a sustainable and profitable practice in the current environment and in the months and years ahead.

We’ll also highlight the evolving risks, identified by the SRA in its Risk Outlook for 2020/2021, firms should be aware of and how they might mitigate those risks.

As always don’t hesitate to contact us if we can help on [email protected] or on 020 3051 2049.

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